Updates and Changes

Hello all!  Just wanted to check in – you know, my typical post for every 3 or 4 (or 6 or 7) months.

I just spent an hour changing the permissions on my posts to turn off comments.  I know this will make you all sad (especially the people/spambots that are so excited to share a way to monetize my blog or push their porn or sell their illegal/knockoff products), but I was getting tired of getting comments on the same four or five posts.  The clear winner was Out of Gas – I’d get three or four spam comments on that one EACH.DAY.  So now, I have turned off commenting and am hoping that will cut down on the email notifications that keep clogging my system.

In reviewing some of my old posts, I found the one where I talked about the sucky end of 2011 and finding out about my aunt’s cancer.  She passed away on June 20, 2012.  She was lucky enough to be with her husband and her two sisters.  Her brother – that would be my father – was able to visit on the Monday before she started on a morphine drip.  I was able to be with my parents for that visit, as my father was under doctor’s orders not to drive until the 20th.

And the reason he was under doctor’s orders not to drive was because he was recovering from surgery – prostate cancer surgery.  The week he had surgery, my aunt went to the hospital with an infection.  Everyone was thinking in the back of their heads that it was possible they would not be able to see each other before something happened to my aunt.  But, he was out of the hospital before she left the hospital for a nursing home.  I actually drove him from his hospital to her hospital the day he was released.

On a more positive note, The Hubby is working with his friend to expand our back deck.  It’s almost done – we’ll have an EXTRA 150 square feet of space.  And they are fixing the stairs to be wider and more sturdy.   The Boy is home for the summer and has a paying internship.  He broke up with the New Girlfriend and has a New/New Girlfriend.  (Gee, how long can I call them that?  I’m going to have to think of something else to start calling them!)

And I have been very fortunate with my freelance proofreading/copy editing business.  I’ve been busy just about each week, working with some great authors on some very cool books.



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