Summer Projects

Man, where does the summer go?

It goes into the abyss known as “Summer Projects” – that’s where it goes!

We got a load of topsoil and a load of mulch delivered before we left for Houston. So over the last couple of days and for the next few days we will be brightening up our old mulched areas, as well as enlarging some of them. The topsoil is for some bare spots we have, mostly from the time when we first built the house and we had huge runoffs since we didn’t have any grass grown yet.

Last year we did the mulch thing and were pretty happy with the results. We put up wooden edging, and after a year of it, we think that maybe just mulch looks better (and is much easier to deal with – just mow around it, no need to weed wack around the edging)! So we are taking all the edging down (see below picture) and just leaving the mulch. I was too tired to take a picture of it today – maybe over the next couple of days I will.

This is a picture from last year… and what we are aiming for again this year for the apple tree area.

Plus there are these holes we seem to grow. It seems everytime we turn around, we have grown a new hole. The hole in the front of the apple tree is most annoying. We have this lovely spot, mulched out and looking great, except for this hole under the bench. And sometimes there is something IN the hole. It has four legs, a tail and a wet nose. It growls if you try to make it do things like give back socks or try to take the toy away from it. Yes, it is our very own Chewie that makes these holes everywhere. He digs in, settles in, and curls right in there to cool down (or warm up if it’s fall/winter). Pansy at least only digs to bury a bone or special treat (a.k.a deer bones).

So we will be spending the next few days updating our lawn. And the dogs will spend just as much time digging it up.

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