August Already

It’s hard to believe it’s August already!

The Boy got a job for the summer (and probably for schooltime as well) at St*ples.  He’s having a great time with it.  He now has the funds to pay for his own gas and, once he has his debt paid off to the parents for the accident, he will contribute towards his car insurance as well.  Plus he spends his own money on video games, entertainment, dates with The Girlfriend, etc.

The Hubby is working hard, too.  He had a line review with a prospective customer last month and will hopefully be hearing about the results soon.  He’s hoping it all works out and he can keep working his business… but if not, it’s back to looking for a “real” job  (you know, a 9 to 5 jig).

I am trying to relax for this month.   September and October will be challenging… back to school, church events, and (hopefully) chocolate making adventures will be filling my time and energy.

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