Archive for the ‘The Boy’ Category

And It Begins Again

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

It’s that time of year again – back to school.  The Boy is firmly ensconced in the dorm, with only one item he “forgot” to bring (a rug, which is really pretty good considering he could have forgotten his pillows and blankets – AGAIN).  He got to move in early as he is a Facilitator.  Basically, he helps out the freshman class get around campus and learn about the school.

His dorm is in the middle of campus this year, so he’s right in the thick of things.  There’s no parking lot in front of his building, but other than that, it is a much nicer setup compared with last year.  He’s got a room to himself, with two other guys next door, and a shared bathroom with three other guys on the other side of him.  He and some friends signed up together, so he’s pretty happy with the arrangement.  His GF is one floor below him, so it makes hanging out with her easy.

And I am proud to note that I hardly cried.  I teared up a bit when he hugged me goodbye and then The Hubby had me crying as we drove away.  He’s awesome that way.

I hope your back to school experiences go well this year, whether it’s a first timer going off to kindergarten or a seasoned middle schooler ready to rule the school.

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Nothing to See Here, Move Along

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

I’ve been pondering what to write here lately – it seems like I’ve been working and working and working (not that I’m complaining – I love what I do!) and nothing interesting has been happening.

I guess the highlight of the month would be The Boy’s birthday.  My baby -sniff, sniff- turned 19 this month.  I was totally fine on his actual birthday – no tears, no melancholy, no going through his baby book.  He had a party a week after his birthday (just, you know, 50 or so of his closest friends) and that was the night I kind of lost it.  I went to bed around 11, looked at The Hubby, and burst into tears.  Being his wonderful self, The Hubby laughed and asked what was wrong.  I said, “Nothing.  Our baby is 19 now.”  His response: “Yeah, but he’s been 19 for a week now.  Get over it.”  And I did.


See, not very exciting, huh?


Although, tomorrow may be interesting.  The Hubby is going to court to fit a speeding ticket.  I’m going with him to see the exciting proceedings.  {insert dramatic soap opera music and voice over} Who knows what will happen?  Will the court dismiss the charges?  Will the cop show up?  Will there be arguments and counter-arguments?  Will I throw up in the excitement? Stay tuned for our next episode of…At Home With Faith…

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Updates and Changes

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Hello all!  Just wanted to check in – you know, my typical post for every 3 or 4 (or 6 or 7) months.

I just spent an hour changing the permissions on my posts to turn off comments.  I know this will make you all sad (especially the people/spambots that are so excited to share a way to monetize my blog or push their porn or sell their illegal/knockoff products), but I was getting tired of getting comments on the same four or five posts.  The clear winner was Out of Gas – I’d get three or four spam comments on that one EACH.DAY.  So now, I have turned off commenting and am hoping that will cut down on the email notifications that keep clogging my system.

In reviewing some of my old posts, I found the one where I talked about the sucky end of 2011 and finding out about my aunt’s cancer.  She passed away on June 20, 2012.  She was lucky enough to be with her husband and her two sisters.  Her brother – that would be my father – was able to visit on the Monday before she started on a morphine drip.  I was able to be with my parents for that visit, as my father was under doctor’s orders not to drive until the 20th.

And the reason he was under doctor’s orders not to drive was because he was recovering from surgery – prostate cancer surgery.  The week he had surgery, my aunt went to the hospital with an infection.  Everyone was thinking in the back of their heads that it was possible they would not be able to see each other before something happened to my aunt.  But, he was out of the hospital before she left the hospital for a nursing home.  I actually drove him from his hospital to her hospital the day he was released.

On a more positive note, The Hubby is working with his friend to expand our back deck.  It’s almost done – we’ll have an EXTRA 150 square feet of space.  And they are fixing the stairs to be wider and more sturdy.   The Boy is home for the summer and has a paying internship.  He broke up with the New Girlfriend and has a New/New Girlfriend.  (Gee, how long can I call them that?  I’m going to have to think of something else to start calling them!)

And I have been very fortunate with my freelance proofreading/copy editing business.  I’ve been busy just about each week, working with some great authors on some very cool books.



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What Do I have to say today?

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Hmm… my posting has been slacking off lately, mostly because I haven’t been able to answer the question: what do I have to say today?  By the time I think about it, I’m already doing something else.

The Boy went back to school yesterday.  I did not supervise his packing.  I woke him up; asked if he was packed and ready to go; he said yes.  We brought his stuff downstairs and out into his car.  (Which, by the way, had less than a quarter of a tank of gas.  “Sure, we can get up to school without getting gas.  Maybe even get home.”  This from the kid who ran out of gas in the school driveway.)  We went clothes shopping – he wanted some slacks and dress shirts for some presentations he is planning on this semester.  The Boy is definitely NOT a clotheshorse.  He did manage to find two pairs of pants and we grabbed a dress shirt/tie combo pack, plus new dress shoes.  And that’s it – he was ready to go and get out of that store.  I pity the girl who tries to get him to shop.

We make our way to The School without incident.  And by that I mean, we listened to his music and sped up the highway.  One particular song he must have picked to make me laugh, which of course it did.  These two rappers were rapping about how much they loved their mom, how special she was, how she took care of them, on and on and on with the praising of mom.  Every once in awhile, “mom” would interrupt the song with a mom-like question: “where’s the remote?” or “never mind, I found it.”  Each time they were interrupted, they complained and swore at their mom.  She kept coming back more and more often; the song of “mom praise” would stop and be filled with the rappers’ ire at mom for interrupting.  I couldn’t help but laugh – that was a mom doing what moms do best: aggravate their kids.


But, as mentioned earlier, I did not aggravate my son by micro-managing his packing.  I asked if he had it all and he said yes.  When we got to The School, he got out of the car and said,” Damn.  I forgot my pillows, blankets, and sheets.”   Oooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyy.  Yup, mom should have micro-managed just a little bit here.


We got his stuff into his room and I left without incident. That means I didn’t cry when I left him, in case you were wondering.  All the way back home (after I stopped for gas, that is) I was figuring out when I’d be going back up to give him the stuff he forgot.  Then I remembered MY parents often went up to The School to watch basketball games.  I stopped at their house and helped my mom with a Word document issue she was having.  (It’s always good to be kind before you ask for a favor!)  She casually mentions they are going up to The School tonight to watch a game.  Awesome!  So, they agreed to bring The Boy his stuff.  When I call him to tell him, he was so happy.  Because he also forgot his gym shorts, sweats, the white dress shirt he already has, and his wireless keyboard and mouse thingie (yes, that’s a technical term).

He now has his stuff and starts classes today.  But not too early, of course – his first class today starts at 12:30. Nice, huh?

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Holiday Half Time

Thursday, December 29th, 2011